It’s hard to believe that what started as a small volunteer organization three and a half decades ago has grown into an integral part of our community, touching the lives of countless individuals and families in need. This journey is a testament to the support we receive from all of you. 

When we first started, we served fewer than 150 individuals per month, offering a helping hand to those facing hunger. But as our community grew, so did our resolve to make a difference. Last year alone, we had the privilege of serving more than 3700 individuals a month, ensuring that no one in our community goes to bed hungry. 

This remarkable growth has led us to an exciting new chapter. We are thrilled to be breaking ground on an expanded facility that will not only enable us to store and distribute more food safely, but also provide additional resources and services to address the root causes of hunger. 

None of this would have been possible without your incredible support. Your donations, volunteer hours, and unwavering belief in our mission have sustained us through the years. With your continued support, we will build a stronger, more resilient community that stands united against hunger. 

With gratitude and optimism, 

