Welcome to the Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center Blog – a small corner of the internet where compassion, unity, and community converge. I’m the Executive Director of this mission, and I’m excited to kick off this digital journey with you. We’ll be diving deep into the heart of our work, uncovering stories of transformation, and inviting you to be part of our ongoing adventure.

With each blog post, we’ll crack open a window into the lives you support, the hurdles we face together, and the victories we celebrate.

Inside these digital pages, you’ll find more than just words – you’ll discover tales of commitment from our volunteers, and the resilience of families who’ve found comfort and nourishment through us. We’ll bring you firsthand stories and insights that bridge the gap between those who lend a hand and those who receive it, along with an occasional update on the capital campaign and our new campus.

But this isn’t just us talking (thank goodness!). We want to hear from you too! Your questions, comments, and ideas are pure gold to us. We are eager to hear your thoughts, musings, and suggestions. Together, let’s create a space where genuine conversations flourish, and where hope finds its voice.

So, whether you’re a dedicated volunteer, a champion of change, or someone who’s curious about the impact of community support, consider this your open invitation to join us. Let’s embark on this journey of shared knowledge and collective action. Together, we’ll peel back the layers of the Foothills Food Bank and Resource Center, working towards a community where no one faces hunger.

With gratitude and excitement,


Leigh Zydonik, Executive Director