We also offer additional support for those with unique needs, and who need additional resources, within our community.
Student Snack Packs
We provide nutrition to school children for weekends and school breaks.
SNAP Assistance
Our team assists in the application process for SNAP, also known as food stamps for additional nutritional needs.
Pet Food & Health Resources
We host occasional special events to provide vaccines and health clinics as well as pet food.
Dietary Restriction Resources
If you have special dietary needs, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. We support gluten-free and low sodium diets, and will address others upon request.
Senior Pantry Program
In partnership with the local Foothills Caring Corps, we support seniors in our community with home delivery of food and supplies.
Mondays at the Cave Creek location is Senior Market Day from 10am – 12pm.
Mobile Food Pantry
Making it easier to get needed food and supplies, our pantries bring food and services closer to those in need.